ATi Calculators

To use, enter values in all fields and select the correct engineering units.

Press the "Example" button to fill in all of the Entered Value fields with typical values for a steel shaft. (For solid shafts, enter 0 in the "Shaft Inside Diameter" field or leave blank.)

Note 1: Young's Modulus (E) is also known as Modulus of Elasticity and Elastic Modulus, which varies for different materials. A typical value to use for steel is 29500000 psi or 204 GPa. A typical value to use for aluminum is 10400000 psi or 71.7 GPa.

Note 2: Poisson's Ratio (v) also varies for different materials. A typical value to use for steel is 0.3, while a typical value to use for aluminum is 0.33.

Shunt Resistor Calculator

Calculate the simulated strain, shear strain, bridge output and torque from a known shunt resistor value for a shaft.

Shaft Outside Diameter:
Shaft Inside Diameter:
Gage Resistance:
Gage Factor:

Shunt Resistance:
Number of Active Arms:

Young's Modulus (see Note 1):
Poisson's Ratio (see Note 2):

Lead Resistance:


Calculated Results

Simulated Strain:
Simulated Shear Strain:
Bridge Output:
Simulated Torque:

Torque Calculator

Calculate the strain, shear strain and bridge output from a known torque applied to a shaft.

Shaft Outside Diameter:
Shaft Inside Diameter:
Gage Factor:

Young's Modulus (see Note 1):
Poisson's Ratio (see Note 2):

Applied Torque:


Calculated Results

Shear Strain:
Bridge Output: